.. |software_logo| image:: /_static/noun_macbook.svg :height: 60 .. _software: .. toctree:: :hidden: oni-repl/index Bonsai.ONIX/index Open Ephys GUI/index |software_logo| Software Guide =================================== Although ONIX is software agnostic, we have focused our development efforts on `Bonsai `__ for data acquisition. Bonsai is very good at dealing with the asynchronous and heterogeneous data that ONIX hardware produces. - The :ref:`oni_repl` pages document a low-level C program that can be used for debugging and basic streaming IO with ONIX hardware. - The :ref:`bonsai_onixref` pages provide detailed information about the ONIX Bonsai library. - The :ref:`open_ephys_gui` page shows how ephys data can be streamed the Open Ephys GUI to take advantage of its excellent visualization capabilities. .. tip:: If you want to use ONIX hardware with your acquisition software, please :ref:`get in touch `. It's not as hard as you might think :).